Poznaj Biocent
Ekologiczne rozwiązania inżynierii wodnej
Firma Biocent SA z siedzibą w Lublinie to producent zaawansowanych technologiczne produktów wykorzystywanych w budownictwie inżynieryjnym. Biocent Sp. z o.o. jest w tej chwili jednym z wiodących w Polsce producentów urządzeń do oczyszczania i przepompowywania ścieków technologicznych oraz wód opadowych.
About Us
Ecological solutions in water engineering
Biocent SA, based in Lublin, is a manufacturer of advanced technological products used in civil engineering. Biocent S.A is currently one of the leading manufacturers in Poland of equipment for treating and pumping industrial wastewater and rainwater.
About Us
Ecological solutions in water engineering
A wide range of products offered allows us to meet the needs of a vast majority of customers. We have our own modern equipment base and qualified staff. Unlike most other manufacturers, we produce most of the components for our devices ourselves, and all assembly and installation work is carried out by our employees, ensuring the highest quality and reliability.
Eco Biocent
Pro-ecological actions
We produce ecological solutions in water engineering. We provide comprehensive solutions for the treatment and management of industrial wastewater and rainwater. In our work, we focus on the development of new technologies, which allows us to provide our customers with the highest quality products
Technologically self-sufficient
In-house service and production
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